Virtual Event & Fundraiser – Humor to Fight the Tumor 2020

Project Overview

The Humor to Fight the Tumor is one the United States’ premier fundraising events benefiting those living with brain tumors and those researching more effective treatments. The goal of the event is to move people through the power of hope and laughter to contribute at an annual gala featuring silent and live auctions, live comedy, dinner, and stories of brain tumor survivors and honorees.

Due to COVID-19, this year’s fundraiser had to be done virtually. Humor to Fight the Tumor turned to InHouse Media for the solution.

Our Soultion

InHouse Media partnered with Humor to Fight the Tumor to produce a hybrid pre-recorded/live event. The production was done at our studio in Northeast Minneapolis, the program included messages from the Founder and was hosted by two emcees.  The event was supplemented with pre-recorded stories from brain tumor survivors, brain cancer researchers from the University of Minnesota, and a local comedian.  The live aspect of the event was an interactive online auction where people could bid on a variety of donated items throughout the course of the evening.  The event also included a live chat, where attendees could interact with each other.

Are you planning a virtual fundraiser?

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